Representative office of LOSBEL LLC in Belgorod
In new year with new partners. From 01/01/2019, a representative office of LOSBEL LLC in the Belgorod Region has been opened.
The office is located in the center of Belgorod at the address: Belgorod Region, Belgorod, Grazhdansky Avenue, 18, Office 10, with an area of 216 m2.
Representative from LLC “LOSBEL” in the Belgorod region Mishenin Gennady Nikolaevich.
Tel: +7 (4722) 73-25-32, +7 (4722) 73-25-36, +7 910 2223558
The office is located in the center of Belgorod at the address: Belgorod Region, Belgorod, Grazhdansky Avenue, 18, Office 10, with an area of 216 m2.
Representative from LLC “LOSBEL” in the Belgorod region Mishenin Gennady Nikolaevich.
Tel: +7 (4722) 73-25-32, +7 (4722) 73-25-36, +7 910 2223558
Wastewater treatment for Berezino
In December, the commissioning of the treatment facilities for household wastewater in the city of Berezino was completed. The capacity of the sewage treatment plant is 4,980 cubic meters per day.
Commissioning took 20 working days. During this time, all equipment was set up, equipment was tested in various modes. 400 cubic meters of activated sludge was brought in for the operation of the treatment facilities.
Commissioning took 20 working days. During this time, all equipment was set up, equipment was tested in various modes. 400 cubic meters of activated sludge was brought in for the operation of the treatment facilities.
The construction of a sewage treatment plant of 9,300 cubic meters per day has been completed.
In December of 2018, the construction of a sewage treatment plant in Rogachev was completed. All equipment is installed and ready for commissioning. The capacity of the structures is 9,300 cubic meters per day. The construction was carried out by LOSBEL together with Pinskhovkhozstroy.
LОSBЕL has bееn suссеssfully сеrtіfіеd by PIA
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Wе arе happy tо annоunсе that LОSBЕL has bееn suссеssfully сеrtіfіеd by thе Dеvеlоpmеnt and Assеssmеnt Іnstіtutе іn Wastе Watеr Tесhnоlоgy at RWTH Aaсhеn Unіvеrsіty (PІA) - thе Prüf- und Еntwісklungsіnstіtut für Abwassеrtесhnіk an dеr RWTH Aaсhеn (PІA).
Wе arе nоw aссеptіng соngratulatіоns!
Wе arе happy tо annоunсе that LОSBЕL has bееn suссеssfully сеrtіfіеd by thе Dеvеlоpmеnt and Assеssmеnt Іnstіtutе іn Wastе Watеr Tесhnоlоgy at RWTH Aaсhеn Unіvеrsіty (PІA) - thе Prüf- und Еntwісklungsіnstіtut für Abwassеrtесhnіk an dеr RWTH Aaсhеn (PІA).

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